Enric Vendrell

Enric Vendrell

I am interested in the changes.
I've been dreaming of how different things could be in the planet.
For a long time in my life I was disappointed with everything that didn't work in the world.
But I began to choose what I liked to do, the things that I was passionate about and not what I was supposed to do.
This opened up a new life for me, were I can be me, more of me, a greater self.

And it is in these changes that I am interested, in that people choose what amuses them, what makes them alive and makes a better world.

Estoy interesado en los cambios.

Durante un buen tiempo de mi vida estuve decepcionado con todo lo que no funcionaba en el mundo.
Soñando con lo diferentes que podrían ser las cosas.
Y empezé a elegir lo que me gustaba, a hacer las cosas que me apasionaban y no lo que se supone que debería de hacer.

Y es en estos cambios en los que estoy interesado, en que las personas elijan lo que les divierte, lo que les hace vivos y hacen un mundo mejor.

I was a normal student even though I didn't understand much why study so many things and have repetitive schedules and structures. A little boring.

So between that rebellion and curiosity to discover other ways of living, I realized that I wanted to dedicate my life to doing what I like.

And I see that this creates a better world for me and for other people, when you choose what works for you, you respect yourself and you can respect the choices of others, thereby creating more ease for all and a greater reality. .

And finding Access has been a huge gift to make this possible. To have more of me. Know much more about myself and opens myself to receive and create much more. I am grateful to Access Consciousness and its Creators and Facilitators that I have found and who continually show me more and more.

Fuí un estudiante normal a pesar de que no entendía mucho el por qué estudiar tantas cosas y tener unos horarios repetitivos y estructuras. Un poco aburrido.

Así que entre esa rebeldia y curiosidad para descubrir otras formas de vivir, me di cuenta que quería dedicar mi vida a hacer lo que me guste.

Y veo que eso crea un mundo mejor para mi y para otras personas, cuando uno elije lo que le funciona, se respeta y así puede respetar las elecciones de los otros, con lo cual se crea más facilidad para el mundo y una realidad más grandiosa.

Y encontrar Access ha sido un regalo immenso para que esto sea posible. Para tener más de mí. Conocer mucho más de mi y abrirme a recibir y crear mucho más. Agradezco a Access Consciuosness y sus Creadores y Facilitadores que he encontrado y que continuamente me muestran más y más.

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My Classes

Access 3-Day Body Class

What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries and magic of life? The Access 3-Day Body Class is designed to open up a dialogue and create a communion with your body that allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it.

Transliteration Class with Tools of Access Consciousness

Could you imagine having more ease with languages? Transliteration is about talking and understanding all languages, including the language of the energy.

Talk To The Entities - Introduction

Talk to the Entities - Introduction is a great way to get your feet wet with Talk To The Entities and begin to see the breath and depth of this work. It is about introducing people to an easier and more enjoyable world and possibility with entities and ghosts.

Talk To The Entities - Beginning Live

Do you desire to become more aware and present with energies and communications from those on the other side? Join Shannon O'Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for the Talk to the Entities - Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own psychic awareness and change the way you see the spirit world.

Clearing Houses A-Z Intro

Learn how to clear all entities and energies that make a house, building or land funky and stuck. These are incredibly easy, yet powerful tools and processes that will ‘un-haunt’ any house and clear any space! You will be amazed by the ease and space you will be able to create.